Monday- BBQ rib sandwich, corn, fruit, 1% milk
Tuesday- K-5th Chicken Nuggets, 6th-12th Chicken Patty, green beans, fruit, rice krispy, 1% milk
Wednesday- Tomato soup, grilled cheese, fruit, 1% milk
Thursday- Hot dog, baked beans, chips, fruit, cookie, 1% milk
Friday- Cheese pizza, carrot sticks, fruit, cookie, 1% milk
Those taking from the salad bar must wear gloves. Gloves are provided near the plates and the gloves must be thrown away at the end of the salad bar line.
Students MUST return their lunch trays to the cafeteria every day. The commons area will be off limits to students unless there is adult supervision.
After-School Tutoring:
-Monday with Ms. Cavanaugh in the computer lab
-Tuesdays with Ms. Cavanaugh in the computer lab
-Wednesdays with Mrs. McElroy in Rm. 216
-Thursdays with Mr. Brown in Rm. 222
Krimson is an all-around wonderful student. She arrives to class well-prepared and is kind to her peers. Thank you for your Viking Strong behavior every day!
Kylie has done a fabulous job making sure all of her classmates feel included in different classroom activities. Thank you for making everyone feel welcome.
Don’t forget to pick the song of the morning for $1 that goes to the Class of 2023
A phone was found in the front parking lot, please come to the High School Office to claim.
SENIORS! Please email a BABY PHOTO and a SENIOR PHOTO to Mrs. Klein by March 24th. This is for the yearbook as well as local newspapers.
It’s time to sign up for the 2023 Little League season! Baseball and softball links are now live. We will be closing registration on April 30, 2023, and we WILL NOT extend it. Periodic reminders will be sent. Team drafts will be on May 1 and no late sign-ups will be accepted. Do not wait if your child plans to play.
Little league is for boys and girls ages 4-16 and features divisions for all skill levels. There is a minor change this year for baseball. We will have an 8-10 year old player-pitch division. 8 year olds that have played at least 1 season of machine pitch should join this division. If your child is 8 and has not played machine pitch, please put them in that division.
Please Join the Baraga County Little League Facebook group for the latest information and reminders.
Opening Day is May 20th!
MS: Allyssa
HS: Kaci
Athletes need to pick up their accountability form in the office on Friday’s. These get turned into the coaches.
Upcoming Sporting Events:
Monday, Feb. 20th- Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys Chassell @home 4:30/6:00
Tuesday, Feb. 21st-
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd-
Thursday- JV/Varsity Girls ETC@ETC 6:00/7:15 Varsity Boys Republic@Republic 6:00
Have a Triumphant Tuesday!