BHK Great Explorations is a 21st CCLC Grant Funded After School Program for grades Kindergarten thru 5th grade.

Afterschool Programming

BHK Great Explorations programs establish a safe, enriching environment where students can explore, grow, and build relationships. In participating schools, GE operates four to five days per week afterschool and during the summer, and is open to all students enrolled in the hosting school.

Children enrolled in GE participate in at least four components daily- a healthy meal or snack, wellness time consisting of outdoor or recreation activities, academics, and enrichment clubs. The design of clubs follows the interest of the participating students and school-day curriculum, and may include art, science, technology, sports, character development activities and projects, and excursions to enhance learning and create opportunities for new experiences for youth.

Afterschool programs typically last 36 weeks during the school year, for to 2.5 hours each day. Summer programs typically last 8 weeks, for 9 hours each day. Site locations and hours vary.

In order to provide consistent and quality care for all children, once your child is accepted to the program, payment and weekly schedules are required prior to attendance. Program cost may vary from site-to-site. Please contact BHK or the site coordinator at your school for more information.

Great Explorations Summer Programming

Great Explorations summer programs establish a safe, enriching environment where students can explore, grow, and build relationships throughout the summer. Delivery of summer programs is camp-style, including mealtimes and snacks, hands-on experiential learning, outdoor activities, and embedded academics. The experiences for students revolve around weekly themes with age-appropriate activities and excursions to enhance learning. Summer programs typically last 8 weeks, for 9 hours each day. Site locations and hours vary. Application Forms can be picked up in the GE Office Located in the Elementary hallway.

Contact Person: Barb Ellenich, GE Site Coordinator


2023-2024 Summer Application

BHK Great Explorations Child Summer Schedule

2023-2024 BHK Great Explorations Schedule

These materials were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.